Questions tagged [elliptic-curve]

Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an approach to public-key cryptography that allowed smaller keys compared to non-ECC cryptography to provide equivalent levels of security.

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3 answers

How does the recent patched key image exploit work in practice?

For more info This has been patched months ago and was never exploited which can be proven by running a ...
samwellj's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Why/how does monero generate public ed25519 keys without using the standard public key generation provided by ed25519 libraries?

Why/how does monero generate public ed25519 keys without using the standard public key derivation provided by ed25519 libraries? Inspecting the code for mininero (
Ryan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to see that the RingCT commitment parameter H is in fact a multiple of the base point G

On the last paragraph of page 7 of Monero Research Lab's paper about RingCT, the author makes some statements to the effect that it is possible to pick a random point on the base curve ED25519 that is ...
user141's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the 'base point' (G) from the whitepaper and how is it represented as a single hex value?

The white paper introduces G, aka the base point, as G = (x, −4/5). I have two questions: what is x? Is this the x from the elliptic curve (is it a variable)? If so, how is a private key aG ...
Jona's user avatar
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What is elliptic curve cryptography and why is it important to Monero?

What is elliptic curve cryptography and why is it important to Monero? Please provide both a basic description and an in depth description of the type found on Moneropedia
guesswhoiam's user avatar
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Why does the stealth address involve a hash function?

According to the cryptonote white paper, a stealth address of the form P = H_s(rA)G + B. My question is, why is the hash function necessary? It seems that P=rA + B would work just as well. Using a ...
Christopher King's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are the hex representations of the small subgroup curve points on Ed25519?

Monero uses Ed25519, which has a cofactor of 8. This means the curve has a prime order l = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 and the total number of possible points on the curve is 8l. ...
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