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5 votes
1 answer

Unable to spend from cold storage

I am unable to spend from my offline cold storage, I can see the coins as available on the watch-only wallet. Using the transfer command, I am able to generate an unsigned transaction file. This file ...
6 votes
2 answers

Can I retroactively add the spendkey to a watch only wallet?

If yes, how can this be done? The reason being that I want to spend the balance, but I don't want to set the wallet up again and sync it as this takes a while. It's just a time saver I'm hoping for.
2 votes
1 answer

How to send funds with a watch-only and cold wallet set up?

So I have a cold wallet set up with an online watching only. My question is how do i go about sending funds with this set up? As well as updating the cold wallet balance if that's necessary. This is ...