Questions tagged [address]

Questions about Monero addresses, including address types, usage, purpose and format

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Remove accout in cli

How can i remove an account in the cli version on linux? I am created a "disposable" one with account new, but i can't find out how to remove it. And if i create a new sub-address, it is possible to ...
g0rbe's user avatar
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Are there improvements to enable spending of change funds faster?

Currently when you send coins from your address to another address. The change funds are locked in a "unconfirmed" state. This is a big UX issue as I can't spend my coins again and have to wait a few ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How can one list out all the payment_id's that has received funds?

Is there a way in monero-cli to find out all the previously used payment id that has received funds? Basically I just want a list of every transaction that has a payment id associated with it. I want ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Monero Primary Address is safe to share?

Is the same PUBLIC Address to Primary Address? im having a problem with my wallet and someone in forum is asking me the Primary Address to help... its safe or scam?
Colombia Fixers's user avatar
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I bought XMR and it was immediately sent to a random address

Why did this happen? Did the seller do this?
user16812's user avatar
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Is this the longest vanity address in history?

4AbLLLZvjdA3cXr8Xs2LevhActZt3TLGhjiVga99999999999999fvdWrvvfpRHSS78hRznFjpb64BKnn12H5bQFAsifLdj 14 9's in a row is this the longest one in history or is there a longer one? I generated this on a GPU ...
EatingTechnobladesRemainsAt3am's user avatar
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Why don't GUI sub-account receive addresses match ledger device receive addresses?

I'm new to Monero so probably just a misconception on my part, but the GUi primary receive address for primary account matches the nano X XMR/0 main address, where as the sub-account primary receive ...
bear_market's user avatar
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How can I combine two public keys to create a joint address?

I'm trying to create a new address that either Alice OR Bob can spend from. Is there a tool or library I can use to accomplish this? At a high level: I'm taking (AlicePrivateSpend + BobPrivateSpend) ...
dext0rb's user avatar
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Bitfinex seems to be cutting off the last 3 chars of my 95 char Monero address

Hi I'm trying to withdraw my Monero from Bitfinex, I've extensively googled this question and I haven't found anyone else mentioning it so I assume its not a fault on Bitfinex's end. I have this ...
user9933's user avatar