
The monero comparison wiki states zcash is not decentralized. Why? Also since it's a monero subreddit, it can be seen as biased toward monero. What are some comparisons to make dash or zcash bias over monero?

1 Answer 1


The monero comparison wiki states zcash is not decentralized. Why?

The link you posted in your question, if you scroll down the page, has a pretty thorough answer to the question.

Most common criticisms of Zcash are the "Trusted Setup" and the "Founders Reward".

  • what does "trusted setup" mean? May 21, 2018 at 16:31
  • 1
    Again, it's covered in the linked article. "Zcash was launched by way of something called the "multi-party computation" – also known as a "trusted setup." "The public parameters (zk-SNARK providing and verifying keys)" for Zcash's launch were constructed in a ceremony spearheaded by six individuals... The ceremony used a multi-party computation protocol with the property that the resulting parameters are secure unless all of the participants were dishonest or compromised during the ceremony"
    – jtgrassie
    May 21, 2018 at 18:15

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