I changed from windows to Ubuntu 17.10 Linux. I'm totally new on it. I've been learning how to work with the terminal, and I have already downloaded my old windows blockchain.raw file located in the my download files. When I try to open the monerod.exe, nothing happens. I open up the GUI and it starts from scratch. I opened


And the monero-blockchain-import.log says the following:

lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:2674 WARNING: batch transaction mode already enabled, but asked to enable batch mode 2017-12-03 23:13:33.979 7f1e57c56f00 FATAL bcutil src/blockchain_utilities/blockchain_import.cpp:229 bootstrap file not found: "/home/lh1008/.bitmonero/export/blockchain.raw"

I went to my "home directory" and can't find anywhere the .bitmonero export directory. Through the terminal I ran the command to prompt monero-blockchain-import to the download directory where I have the blockchain.raw file but the terminal gave me an answer that "monero-blockchain-import doesn't exist". Have tried several times, read the manual for help but I can't find my error. I can run from scratch the node but I also want to learn how to do it properly. I will really appreciate any help.

Can anyone help?

Thanks :)

2 Answers 2


You can put this file anywhere, you just need to add --input-file XX and put the file and its path instead of XX, eg:

monero-blockchain-import --input-file $HOME/blockchain.raw

As for "monero-blockchain-import doesn't exist" errors, this is unrelated, and just means monero-blockchain-import is not in your PATH environment variable. Either add its directory to your PATH, or give the whole path to it (either relative or absolute), eg:

./monero-blockchain-import --input-file $HOME/blockchain.raw

if it's in the current directory, or maybe:

build/release/bin/monero-blockchain-import --input-file $HOME/blockchain.raw

if you've just built it.


I was not able to find the .bitmonero directory in the /home folder and was not aware that "." folders are hidden. So I searched for help in the Ubuntu community and found this answer How to show a hidden file. It was easy, stand in the home directory and put this command:

cmd/ctrl + H

Then, the .bitmonero directory showed up.

This answer might help anyone. :)

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