I'm currently syncing a full-node and it is taking a long time. I a hybrid SSD/HDD, so I understand that the HDD is typically a bottleneck based on some other threads I searched, but I would like help understanding what I am seeing, because I believe I might not be progressing at all anymore.
I sometimes see messages similar to the following. Is this normal, or will this prevent me from completing the sync?
2017-Feb-07 20:44:32.252045 [P2P6]IP blocked
The typical sync message I see is as follows.
2017-Feb-07 20:55:34.805897 [P2P8][ OUT]Sync data returned a new top block candidate: 1009831 ->1241360 [Your node is 231531 blocks (321) days behind]
The number 1009831 has remained stagnant for over a day, I and I believe this represents how much of the blockchain I have synced thus far. Is this correct? if so, how do I refresh/reinitialize the process without starting from scratch?
Note: I downloaded Monero Core for Windows, 64-bit from getmonero.org/downloads, version Wolfram Warptangent on 2/5/17, so I believe I have the current version (fork?)