This question is probably not necessarily limited to monero wallets, but I have been playing around with the Monero Offline Wallet Generator and wanted to know how anyone could ever be sure that a wallet address is unique? Specifically, say I create an offline wallet, and transfer some xmr into it. Is it possible that someone else could ever randomly generate an identical wallet address in the future? If so, wouldn't they have the spend keys to transfer the existing balance of that address once they see the existing balance and think "hot damn, free xmr"?
My brief research has not definitely answered this question, and I assume the answer is that it would be possible but so improbable as to be virtually impossible. I also assume that part of the address creation process involves using things local time when address is being created or other factors to create the initial parameters for creating the wallet addresses and keys, but just wanted to see if anyone more knowledgeable could provide a more clear answer.