The first time I ran monerod in whonix, everything worked perfectly. But everytime after that, when I try to start it up, everything looks normal (green line read: NET service bound to ...)(second green line read: core rpc server initialized OK on port ...), but then (after 5 more white lines of stuff) I get Segmentation fault and everything stops.
What do I do to fix this?
Is the problem with monerod, whonix, or my OS?
My whonix freezes sometimes after awhile especially with multiple programs up. Also, I notice my monero folder on my base OS has a monero-wallet-cli.log but on my whonix instance my monero folder never makes one of those that I see at least (it is the 32 bit version (v0-10-0-0) on whonix, but 64 bit version on my base OS)