Title says it all... I am looking for an Nvidia GPU miner for OSX. I've got a 2012 MBP i7 with Nvidia 650m, would prefer to mine without using Windows or Linux.

2 Answers 2


You might use Tsiv's miner here: https://github.com/tsiv/ccminer-cryptonight/releases but you will have to build it from source. I don't see any OSX binaries available.


You could mine using https://github.com/tsiv/ccminer-cryptonight/releases But on a MBP with NVIDIA 650M, I wouldn't recommend it to you, since you will break your hardware sooner than you could imagine. A standard notebook is not designed to run it's GPU or CPU on 100% all the time. Really.

Nevertheless the hash rate of the integrated graphics is really not worth trying.

  • An NVIDIA 650M probably isn't worth mining from, but it definitely isn't integrated graphics.
    – sgp
    Commented Oct 13, 2016 at 22:10
  • You are right, corrected it.
    – janowitz
    Commented Oct 14, 2016 at 8:24

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