Monero is run as an open source project, rather than a startup. As such, it is developed at the speed at which its contributors... contribute. Something getting done depends on someone with the right skills deciding to help, and finding the time to do so. As such, no timeline can be given. Funding does help, as some people will pour more time if funded, but that can hardly be made into a cost estimate.
About the specific items mentioned on the image you link to, there are a few things that are out of date:
- 0MQ isn't done. It was pretty much working months ago, but issues with it ended up with a rewrite being started.
- SSL/TLS does not exist. I understand this is something that comes with 0MQ.
- client side handling of unconfirmed transactions is done (
waiting to be merged now merged, see
- address and tx signing, key export is mostly done - tx signing may not be, I'm not sure what this is, but the other two were merged in the last week or so