This is really a multi-part question that I'm happy to trim/change/delete if it's too broad and/or speculative.
Part A - Assuming an average, not-particularly-tech-savvy user is excited about Kovri implementation, what can they expect when it is rolled out? That is, can they expect to double-click on an installation file they ordinarily would (an installation file that includes the daemon, the wallet, probably the GUI wallet by that time, and Kovri), and the installation/setup will just ask clearnet/i2p/both? And then, once it's set up, the node just runs like usual, and they won't need to increase their technical prowess to make it work or maintain it?
Part B - For the more experienced user who wants to route their internet traffic in such a way that they can browse eep sites, will selecting "i2p" in the installation/setup allow for routing any i2p traffic (not just monero), as though they had set up a dedicated i2p relay?
Part C - Will the i2p relay be able to filter the traffic to only pass through monero-related traffic, or is i2p implementation more of an off/on switch?