Monero can be made to be compliant with the spirit of BIPs 32, 38, 39 and 44. The main issue is BIP 32, 39 and 44 public keys and addresses can't be synthesized using traditional Bitcoin methodologies.
BIP 38 has two capabilities. Both are concisely documented at
Extended AES256Encrypt and AES256Decrypt most definitely can be supported for encoding and decoding deterministic Monero private spend keys, only a matter of development and merging into the master branch. The Monero Team will need to decide upon the prefix to be used other than 6P taken by Bitcoin, see
A bit more thought needs to be given to the other BIP 38 "EC Multiply Mode", essentially being a Casascius without being a money transmitter. This capability looks promising, but no guarantees without a little further investigation.
Update: Posted C++ source code on Github for the ./xmr command used used at the end of this piped command sequence. Not a cross platform developer, but the code compiles on a Mac Homebrew environment using Xcode. With the ./xmr command, both BIP 38 modes can be supported using this. The ./xmr command can also be applied to create Monero brainwallet that can be the foundation for a BIP 38 wallet, even supporting BIP 38 "EC Multiply Mode" for those wanting to mint or print and do not want to be classified as money transmitters.
% echo -n "This brain wallet sucks" | bx base16-encode | bx sha256 | bx mnemonic-new | bx mnemonic-to-seed -p "My Password" | bx hd-new -v 76066276 | bx hd-private -d -i 44 | bx hd-private -d -i 128 | bx hd-private -d -i 0 | bx hd-to-ec | ./xmr
Seed :
Private Spend Key : cf1352ec36511623d07cbd21e86a9e4103776791792d575557b697cb09952901
Private View Key : fd38a51dda45a8ff44042525477a572b93d3219d3751ca49f5aeb7f8278cdc0c
Public Spend Key : ec8cc4f1f0622946bd24a41dc7a4d01964f4f6a878e0e8bf0ce0eb7214174979
Public View Key : 853a5e0aa455820991cd8801ac7be09dbf347b8be875d208f08d97faf7fefb3b
Monero Address : 4Ab2kg2ZXrgCqFp3HAnJfy5FMiPKtNaCFYxRnRpkWiG8MKuDfDLo67K2bqX9gXszpfTPLs6ng4YAd2Vj6wthUhk67icBjbC
Electrum Seed Words :
onward easy cistern puddle giddy ladder foxes ingested morsel vocal glide observant guide among online jargon wonders fudge emails daytime wobbly army jeers jigsaw ladder
% bx ec-to-ek -v 0 "Your BIP38 Password" cf1352ec36511623d07cbd21e86a9e4103776791792d575557b697cb09952901
% bx ek-to-ec "Your BIP38 Password" 6PYXHLAR2khgrRd5GgSStNJhYMH5p8Ug52yUzt86CseG2ee3A3z9Mb9EWY