Purchased new Ledger X and added cryptos to it. Found out after I need special Monero GUI to use Monero with Ledger. Also another crypto Stellar uses browser to access funds. I go to access Monero through the GUI and is has trouble loading and i hit accept key and it says key does not match. At some point I had reinstalled the program or updated it and think that might be the problem. The password I used doesn't work! I saved the seed and thought I placed the pend key with the seed but it is not there... I have the public key and the view key so I end up using the seed and find out I need to convert the seed ! that does not work as final step I get a permission denied. Now I see something about inputting height to reset the wallet but not sure how that works. I created in on the 9th or 10th of April 2020. Please advise. Thanks.



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