I am setting up a Monero GUI on TAILS on a home PC or laptop and will run a full node with cold wallet but need some info about setting up on a Raspberry PI which I may do instead. I've seen the term 'raspberry pi' bandied about. Never used one of these. I'm not a comuputer code literate so don't get all the terms that geeks use. I will only use my node for synching and making transactions. No mining. The transactions will be payments from websites on clearnet, small sums. So I need a compatible system to set up.
When setting up a Monero GUI node on a home PC or laptop without TAILS or TOR or WHONIX what is the IP and is it broadcasted when you do transactions? I don't understand how running your own node is better for privacy when the transaction has to be broadcast to the other monero nodes somehow? doesn't your home IP address which your ISP gives you get broadcasted
Is it necessary to leave your Windows PC or laptop on if running a full node from home? What happens if you cannot and you just synch it now and then?
How is running a full Monero node from home on a Raspberry PI better than doing so on a Windows laptop or PC? I'm assuming you can get a Raspberry PI with Windows?
Is there a ready to use Raspberry PI with Monero installed? I have only ever used Windows. I'm not familiar with coding language or Command line prompts or know how to build from a motherboard. so would it be better for me to stick to a Windows PC or can you buy a Raspberry with Windows and use it with TAILS installed?
can anyone recommend which Raspberry PI would be ideal for the latest Monero release? Where to buy?