If you have a paper wallet which you received funds to, you don't need to sweep the funds to use them (sweeping means sending all funds to some address), you just need to restore the wallet.
A paper wallet may be a 25-words electrum-style seed (supported by the official wallet), or it can be the two private keys (spend+view).
Restore wallet using the CLI
Restoring from a 25 words seed:
monero-wallet-cli --restore-deterministic-wallet --electrum-seed <your_seed>
Restoring from private keys:
monero-wallet-cli --generate-from-keys <wallet_name>
Then you will be asked to enter your address and both private keys.
Restore wallet using the GUI
Restoring with the GUI is very straightforward. Open the GUI, choose your language, and then choose the option 'Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed' (something like that, depends on your language). Then choose between seed/keys and fill the necessary fields.
Then a few weeks pass, this account has coins again. Do I do the same
process again?
If you just plan on receiving funds to your wallet, without using them, you shouldn't do anything. Receiving funds does not require any action from your side. You should restore your wallet only when you want to spend your funds.