Over the course of several upgrades, I have been running monerod for many months now, and I have always connected to incoming peers. For the last few months, it was always 8+37.

After running git pull, then backing up my wallet and keys file, then running make clean, and then make, now when I run monerod, my connections are always 8+0. It's been like this for over 24 hours now. Nothing changed with my router, so what might I need to do with my monerod config/settings to start accepting incoming connections?

If it helps to know, I run monerod --rpc-bind-ip my.comp's.homenet.ip --confirm-external-bind (which is the same as I've always run it, though I suppose the --confirm-external-bind wasn't needed before) on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS, on version v0.10.2.1-1dfed89.

2 Answers 2


I was suffering from something similar yesterday. When I turned my OS X firewall off, I got the incoming connections back. When I turned it back on, I got 0 incoming connections again.

To fix it, I ended up forcing port 18080 open using this guide. Scroll down to the 10th comment if you need help using Vim (I did). I turned the firewall back on and I got the incoming connections back.

  • I'm not on a Mac, so this doesn't exactly answer my question; but the firewall was the correct place to look. Good stuff. Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 21:48
  • Ah...yes it reads like I was telling you how to open a port on a Mac. I was just putting it in there in case a Mac user had the same problem. However, I think I also have the same problem on my Lubuntu box so I need to apply your answer to that (I think). Cheers Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 12:16

I figured out what my issue was. I checked my ufw rules, and there was no rule for allowing port 18080. After allowing that port and reopening monerod (not sure if that was necessary), I'm quickly up to 7+44.

(@TFI_Charmers, thanks for the push to double check the firewall.)

I don't know why ufw allowed it previously, with no rule, but it must have. Nevertheless, it's good to know that it was not a monero issue.

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