Why/how does monero generate public ed25519 keys without using the standard public key derivation provided by ed25519 libraries?
Inspecting the code for mininero (https://github.com/monero-project/mininero/blob/master/mininero.py), it seems that it doesn't call the ed25519 publickey method to generate public keys. Instead, it defines its own public_key method that does this:
Mininero's copy of the ed25519 library (from http://ed25519.cr.yp.to/software.html) provides a function called "publickey", which appears to be identical in purpose to the python pynacl and warner/python-ed25519 libraries. All three produce the same resulting public keys. Neither of those other libraries appear to provide an alternative mechanism to derive a public key the way mininero does, nor do they provide any methods to mirror the functionality of mininero's ed25519.encodepoint. This leads me to believe that minero is deriving the public spendkey in an alternative way.
Why doesn't it just use the normal public key methods provided by these libraries? What is the reason for deriving the public key this way?
My hunch is that there is a reason to use a different public key generation system because the intent is to use ed25519 for more than just signing something. For background, I'm writing some monero address generation code as a learning project and I noticed that with the same seed, my public keys are not being generated the same way as valid monero code. My code takes the seed:
awning ramped obedient frown vaults voice dash sunken talent myriad soggy pumpkins buffet vigilant yields foggy wayside rabbits unplugs sarcasm behind lopped tycoon uttered frown
Which produces a spendkey of
My code uses python libraries to generate an ed25519 public spend key. I wrote the code to use either https://github.com/pyca/pynacl or https://github.com/warner/python-ed25519 , which both produce the same result. For my spendkey above:
This doesn't match what the mininero code and https://xmr.llcoins.net/addresstests.html produce for the same spendkey. They both produce 0f3b913371411b27e646b537e888f685bf929ea7aab93c950ed84433f064480d
Here is a snippet of code that shows the 9235e2ecf938d462e79fe993bfdb1717353c87a0b0ed7cb1d58c9692035336d0
generated public key (ed25519 from warner/python-ed25519):
import ed25519
import binascii
spendkey_hex = b'77fadbe52830d30438ff68036374c0e3fb755d0d983743bcbfb6a45962f50a09'
sk = binascii.unhexlify(spendkey_hex)
def sc_reduce32(n):
n = int.from_bytes(n, byteorder='little')
l = (2**252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493)
reduced = n % l
newbytes = reduced.to_bytes(32, 'little')
return newbytes
reduced_sk = sc_reduce32(sk)
sec = ed25519.SigningKey(reduced_sk)
pub = sec.get_verifying_key()
print('pub key: ' + str(pub.to_ascii(encoding="hex")))
Here is a snipped of code that produces 9235e2ecf938d462e79fe993bfdb1717353c87a0b0ed7cb1d58c9692035336d0
using ed25519 from the mininero copy of ed25519.py
import ed25519 as ed25519
import binascii
spendkey_hex = b'77fadbe52830d30438ff68036374c0e3fb755d0d983743bcbfb6a45962f50a09'
mininero_pub_spend = ed25519.publickey(binascii.unhexlify(spendkey_hex))
print('pub key: ' + str(binascii.hexlify(mininero_pub_spend)))